Per testare l'Harrier, modello della Iris Gr7 con livree modificate da Salvo (NSS) sono stati scelti diversi gauges per simulare il vtol in fs2004, così come sono state modificate le dinamiche di volo del mezzo. Essenzialmente sono stati testate due versioni con diverse dinamiche e gauges, beta 2 e beta 3. I risultati per la versione beta 2 sono soddisfacenti ma non ottimali. Sono stati girati filmati con le versioni beta 2 e beta 3 presso il pontile Chiapparo a Taranto (Italia). Prima di passare alla visione dei video, tutti i modelli sono stati salvati (fotografia 1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
26/08/2014 Iris Harrier testing / To test the Harrier GR7 model of the Iris with liveries modified by Salvo (NSS) were chosen to simulate the different gauges vtol in FS2004, as you have changed the flight dynamics of the vehicle. Essentially two versions were tested with different dynamics and gauges, beta 2 and beta 3 The results for the beta 2 are satisfactory but not optimal. Movies were filmed versions beta 2 and beta 3 at the pier Chiapparo in Taranto (Italy). Before moving on to the vision of the video, all models were saved (photo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
26/08/2014 Iris Harrier testing / To test the Harrier GR7 model of the Iris with liveries modified by Salvo (NSS) were chosen to simulate the different gauges vtol in FS2004, as you have changed the flight dynamics of the vehicle. Essentially two versions were tested with different dynamics and gauges, beta 2 and beta 3 The results for the beta 2 are satisfactory but not optimal. Movies were filmed versions beta 2 and beta 3 at the pier Chiapparo in Taranto (Italy). Before moving on to the vision of the video, all models were saved (photo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
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fotografia 1 : salvataggio backup |
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fotografia 2 : salvataggio backup |
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fotografia 3 : salvataggio backup |
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fotografia 4 : salvataggio backup |
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fotografia 5 : salvataggio backup |
Please note the results of the tests (below):
Il video subito sopra si riferisce alla versione beta 3. Il volo è consistito da decollo dalla Cavour attraccata a pontile Chiapparo a Taranto, sorvolo a bassa quota dei bacini mobili di carenaggio, in direzione della nave Etna, atterraggio in vtol sulla nave Etna, decollo in vtol dalla stessa, atterraggio sulla San Giusto in vtol, decollo dalla stessa e sorvolo a bassa quota del mare fino ad atterrare di nuovo sulla Cavour attraccata a pontile Chiapparo. Le dinamiche di volo non sono apparse in questo caso soddisfacenti per diverse ragioni. La prima è dovuta dal notevole assetto cabrato del mezzo nel momento della rotazione degli ugelli in passaggio dal volo traslato a vtol, assetto che man mano si attenua comportando un impennaggio del veivolo ed un conseguente aumento di quota non certo desiderato al momento dell'appontaggio. Una seconda è data dal fatto che al momento del tocco del ponte in vtol, il mezzo dimostra un sobbalzo eccessivo non ritenuto reale ed alquanto fastidioso. Si è deciso di studiare una nuova versione delle dinamiche chiamata beta 2.
The video immediately above refers to the version beta 3 The flight was to take off from the Cavour docked at pier Chiapparo in Taranto, low-altitude overflights of the basins mobile dock, in the direction of the ship Etna, vtol landing on the ship Etna, takeoff vtol in the same, landing on San Giusto in vtol, takeoff and flyby at the same low level of the sea to land back on the Cavour docked at pier Chiapparo. The flight dynamics have not appeared in this case satisfactory for several reasons. The first is caused by the significant nose-up attitude of the vehicle at the time of rotation of the nozzles in the transition from forward flight to vtol, trim that gradually fades resulting in an empennage of the aircraft and a consequent increase in altitude certainly not required at the time of land on bridge. A second is the fact that at the time of touch of the bridge in vtol, the middle shows a jerk excessive not considered real and somewhat annoying. It was decided to study a new version of the dynamics called beta 2.
The video immediately above refers to the version beta 3 The flight was to take off from the Cavour docked at pier Chiapparo in Taranto, low-altitude overflights of the basins mobile dock, in the direction of the ship Etna, vtol landing on the ship Etna, takeoff vtol in the same, landing on San Giusto in vtol, takeoff and flyby at the same low level of the sea to land back on the Cavour docked at pier Chiapparo. The flight dynamics have not appeared in this case satisfactory for several reasons. The first is caused by the significant nose-up attitude of the vehicle at the time of rotation of the nozzles in the transition from forward flight to vtol, trim that gradually fades resulting in an empennage of the aircraft and a consequent increase in altitude certainly not required at the time of land on bridge. A second is the fact that at the time of touch of the bridge in vtol, the middle shows a jerk excessive not considered real and somewhat annoying. It was decided to study a new version of the dynamics called beta 2.
Dopo aver testato diverse dinamiche di volo e combinazioni di gauges per il vtol tra quelle scaricate, si è deciso di scegliere la combinazione che comportasse un maggior soddisfacimento in termini di problematiche esaminate sopra. Il video immediatamente sopra si riferisce alla combinazione chiamata beta due. L'aereo risulta più manovrabile, più equilibrato in termini di assetto dal volo traslato al volo in hovering, risulta meno saltellante al tocco del ponte, rispettando un comportamento reale. Il volo è consistito dal decollo in vtol dalla Cavour attraccata, un volo radente prima dei bacini ed un atterraggio a velocità sostenuta sulla Cavour con l'intento di testare gli assetti per deccelerazioni rapide. Il risultato è ritenuto migliore e soddisfacente, ma non ottimale.
After testing different combinations of flight dynamics and gauges for the vtol among those discharged, it was decided to choose the combination that would result in a greater satisfaction in terms of the issues discussed above. The video immediately above refers to the combination called beta two. The plane is more maneuverable, more balanced in terms of structure from forward flight to hover, it is less springy to the touch of the bridge, keeping a real behavior. The flight was to take off in the vtol from Cavour docked, a flyby before the river and landing at high speed on Cavour with the intent to test the structure for rapid deceleration. The result is considered satisfactory and better, but not optimal.